Update on the Plan
The local plans officer has calculated 81 as the figure for Porthleven with 30% affordable. The Council in their new policy 3 of the Local Plan explain that the starting point for the distribution of growth will be pro rata to the number of the households in the parish (based on census 2011) excluding commitments and completions.\r\n\r\nThis will mean 24 dwelling being for affordable/local needs. This will not address the huge need for affordable dwellings in Porthleven. The Local Plan gives a number of no less, but allows a community to say if it should be more. We will be rolling out our final round of questionnaire in the spring to address this and other more detailed questions. After that we will draft the plan and consult with you on its content. It’s crucial we get this right, not only to ensure we meet with national and local policy but, to ensure that you the community vote in favour of the plan. It’s your plan.\r\n\r\nTo support the building of new homes the Local Landscape Character Assessment is currently being under taken to identify where we should build. This places great emphasise on landscape and supports the fact that the environment is important to us all. This will then allow us to meet the needs of our community for future generations ensuring Porthleven remains a thriving and attractive place to live.\r\n\r\nYour continued support is much appreciated.\r\n\r\nPNP Team\r\nOur Town, Our Plan, Our Future