Open Day – June 10
We’re inviting Porthleven residents to an Open Day on Friday June 10.\r\n\r\nThe event will take place at Porthleven Church (St Bartholomew’s) with two sessions – the first from 1 and 4pm and the second between 6 and 8pm.\r\n\r\nIt will see the launch of our second questionnaire about future housing developments in the town. This has been designed to improve our knowledge of what residents want to see in the town and will inform the creation of the draft Neighbourhood Plan. See the results from the first questionnaire.\r\n\r\nThe Open Day is also a chance for local people to find out more about the Local Landscape Character Assessment (LLCA) and talk to the team of volunteers who prepared this incredibly detailed piece of work.\r\n\r\nThere’s also more information about what the plan hopes to achieve and the opportunity to talk to members of the PNP team.\r\n\r\nPlease come along and get involved in Porthleven’s future.\r\n\r\n